Second MMX AGM – Swanage
Leaf, Baptiste, Machine, Gasman, 2 jeans
Items discussed:
1. MMX Kit – No progress to date. Leon to chase Rich on status of polo shirts
2. Media and press releases – Leon requested to have a Twitter feed, others less interested. Conclusion is that Leon can maintain Twitter feed if desired. Andy to bring a laptop for blogage.
3. Transport part 1 – Steve and Matt will be taking their cars. Riding shotgun in Steve’s car was quashed and some sort of rotation system will ensue on the way down and way back.
4. Transport part 2 – Steve and Matt to check breakdown cover. Andy has breakdown cover but needs to check whether it works in France
5. Transport part 3 – Steve and Matt to check France jacket i.e. lash jacket, GB sticker etc. (expecting Machine to construct hazard triangle, GB sticker, yellow lights from various pieces of household materials. Steve likely to just buy a pack from Halfords)
6. Transport part 4 – Steve to put Andy on his car insurance. Andy to send copies of drivers licence to Steve. Matt to put Leon on his car insurance. Impacted parties to make arrangements amongst themselves.
7. Travel part 5 – Andy and Steve to start in Reading. Matt and Martin to start in Brentwood. Leon to start in Brentwood or Dover depending on HS1 timetable.
8. Travel part 6 – Hotel to be booked round about Lyon on the way down. Hotel to be booked relatively close to Calais on the way back. Andy to look in to this.
9. Travel part 7 – Outbound ferry to be booked for about 10:30 – 11:00 on the morning of June 22nd. Time of return ferry based upon location of hotel on the journey back. Andy to work out where we are staying on the way back. Martin to make ferry booking once he knows approximate time of return leg. In the meantime, Steve and Matt to email Martin with car registration numbers.
10. Travel part 8 – Journey down. Andy to find this out.
11. Champion’s dinner – No longer black tie due to increased faf, likelihood of it being hot in Nice and baggage allowance. Monday night Champions dinner replaced by Champions BBQ. Champion’s dinner will now be held on the Tuesday.
12. Itinerary when we are down there – None, take each day as it comes. Except Friday 25th when we have to go to Nice to register, rack bikes etc. Logistics for the Sunday to be worked out on the Friday/Saturday morning.
13. Tools – Everyone bring their own, so that they have the right tools for their own bike. Steve and Andy to bring a track-pump each.
14. Travel insurance – make sure everyone has it.
15. Martin’s Race Cape – signature given for this to be destroyed at Champions BBQ. Martin to bring said jacket.
16. Linen in the Villa – Andy to clarify with the owner about what we need to bring.
17. News received since committee meeting – Rich now arriving on 23rd June and staying until 30th June. Plane gets in at 4pm and probably easiest to pick up from the airport.
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