Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ironman Profile #3

Name: rich davies
Nickname: maverick
Age: 24
Hometown: Plymouth
Studied: Economics, University of Nottingham
Best athletic moment: Notts AC 10 Mile, 59:57- June 2004
Worst athletic moment: Throwing up 3 times in the final stages of Notts AC 10 mile- June 2004
funniest athletic moment: Following a random jogger off the course, Relais Centrale de Paris- April 2002
rank the disciplines: Bike, Run, Swim
best quote by someone else: "i've since developed a fear of big 'Cats'. PS Martin had the Leopard." - Matt Kilpin, just a normal night out in Winchester then!!
any other info: Olympic Triathlon PB 2hrs22m27s London 2004

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